End of Martin Kollar’s „Any Moment Can Be Something“

2012, Jul 30th

Photo: Maya Karkour, Designing Workshop-Exhibition, 2012

I am sorry for the late posting! Any Moment Can Be Something had really good results, enthusiastic participants, an exciting lecturer and satisfied organizers! Thank you Martin!
Photographs from following photographers were to be seen: Stefanie Freynschlag (A), David Carreno Hansen (D), Maya Karkour (LIB), Tamar (LIB), Christian Kosfeld (D), Adelina Krupski (NL), Jorge Molinero (E), Maria Noisternig (A), Ken Ruesenberg (USA), Torsten Schuhmann (D).
For Peter Oelmann and me it was phantastic to see the photographs, to say hello to a lot of guests and to habe a nice party in the evening!

Photo: Maya Karkour, Designing Workshop-Exhibition, 2012

And some more…

Photo: Maya Karkour, Martin Kollar, 2012

Photo: Göran Gnaudschun, Adelina, 2012Photo: Göran Gnaudschun, Peter O., 2012

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